Hadden News

Fuel Good Driver Training

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Fuel Good Driver Training

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Over the last year 40 of our drivers have undertaken Fuel Good Driver training which is subsidised by Transport Scotland and delivered by the Energy Savings Trust.

During the training sessions the drivers, accompanied by an approved Fuel Good Instructor, drive normally over an initial circuit of local roads.  They then repeat the exercise again using fuel efficient driving techniques recommended by the instructor.

Our average improvement in mpg during the training sessions was 12% which equates to an annual saving in fuel costs of £6,203 and a reduction of 17 tonnes of CO2 emissions per year.

Fuel good training not only helps to improve our driver's fuel efficiency but also encourages a safer driving style which can reduce the likelihood of accidents.

The Energy Saving Trust’s acclaimed FuelGood driver training has been recognised as the Driver Training Initiative of the Year at the 2015 Green Fleet Award.

Please visit the Energy Savings Trust's website for more information.











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