Hadden News

Hadden goes Plastic Free

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Hadden goes Plastic Free

Hadden Group has made a commitment to go plastic free to ensure we minimise our impact on the environment following analysis of our plastic usage statistics. During 2018 Hadden purchased 2000 single use plastic cups for Head Office use and during the project lifespan at Law Primary School, North Berwick, Hadden purchased 10,000 single use plastic cups for staff, contractor and visitor use. These staggeringly high numbers prompted us to opt for a multi-use water bottle for everyone in the company, and ditch single-use plastic within head office and our site offices.

Based on the data collected to date Hadden will eliminate over 75,000 plastic cups being thrown away each year by stopping the use of single use plastic cups.

While we have sourced and distributed branded reusable water bottles for employee use, Hadden are replacing plastic cups on site with paper ones so that they are available to our visitors and contractors.

Watch this space as we keep you up dated on this journey as we do our bit for the environment.

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